The Ultragloss Family has a variety of cosmetic auto repair services that are available to ensure that a vehicle looks its best.
We produce quality repairs by using high-quality products and skilled technicians, at a fraction of the cost of a traditional body shop, with the focus on the entire unit and not just the damaged area of the vehicle.
We take care of a vehicle inside and out!
Services and Repairs Include...
- Bumper Repair
- Headlight Repair
- Cladding Restoration
- Tint Removal
- Scratch and Touch-Up
- Cracked and Stained Interior
- Cigarette Burns
- Rips and Tears
- Faded Panels, Carpet and Steering Wheels
- Small Dent Removal
- Hail Damage Removal
- Large Panel Dent Removal
- Dent Chip Touch-Up
- Wheel Well Clean-Up
- Frame and Spring Blackening
- Rim Repair- Corrosion, Scrapes and Chips
…..And More!